A Choice to Burn


“I have need to be all on fire, for I have mountains of ice around me to melt.” ~ William Lloyd Garrison

Garrison was a newspaper editor during the early/mid 1800s. He was also an abolitionist. Hello, controversy.

Living outside the boxes of social status quo SOUNDS all brave and fun.  However, as a normally stubborn and independent-minded young woman who has made a few controversial choices over the past few years, I can tell you that sometimes (no, often times) it is downright miserable. People can get nasty.

But most of the time, it’s worth it.

Which is why I defend those choices, and would make them again.

The question then, is one that Garrison and many others have answered, with their lives: will you simply walk the road less traveled, or will you share your heart with those around you?

Garrison saw the mountains of ice around him and chose to torch himself, no matter how much he got burned, for the sake of the very people who hated his guts. Now that’s a brave man. And a man who knew what it was to love.

I have not been so willing. For that, I am sorry.

While I have made a lot of seemingly brave choices over the last few years, I do not call them brave.  I have been a wimp, hiding in the shadows and avoiding questions, because really, who wants to get scorched?

Someone who cares enough.

And when I am truly honest with myself, I know that I would like to be a scorched old lady some day who loved with her life, not a safe and lovely corpse that found peace for herself, but didn’t care enough to share it with those around her.

So. This blog is for whoever decides to read.  Here is my heart.  You will find here what it is you seek: be that information, encouragement, or offense.  I can’t say that I will respond to arguments, because that’s not why I’m here.  Haters, I forgive you. 🙂  And that’s all I have to say about that.

I do write specifically with my family and friends in mind, because it is to THEM I owe an explanation… not because expectation demands it, but because I love them and want to live out my love with honesty and openness.  Please forgive my previous reluctance to share, and accept now my gift of transparency.

My greatest prayer is that those who seek information and encouragement will find here warmth in my fire, to revive them on their own journey.

Happy Travels!


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